The 8-week Heart Circle Experience

The last 8-week online Heart Circle Experience
of 2024 starts Thursday October 17th
with Tej Steiner & Greet Heylen & co-facilitators
We live in a pivotal time, facing huge ecological, social and economical challenges. Our old ways of relating with each other and nature are inevitably leading to disaster.
Instead of endless growth of personal profit and individual power, we are called to focus on growing our capacity to connect, align with life and collaborate with each other. Each of us, with our own gifts and perspectives, plays an important role in the crucial transition from 'ME-powered' to 'WE-powered'.
We spend much of our time in social groups, but we learn little about how groups can function in a way that intentionally support our own well-being and the well-being of others.
The Five Ways of Being provide a roadmap for transformation to make the groups we live in more healthy, resilient and joyful. They are not a methodology but can be seen as a framework that allows many methodologies to operate within in.
BEING CLEAR: Creating a purposeful and strong group container
BEING PRESENT: Valuing presence as the prerequisite for relating
BEING REAL: Practicing authentic expression and deep listening
BEING CONNECTED: Relaxing into trust and resonance
BEING HEART-DIRECTED: Coming to inspired choices and action
In the 8-week Heart Circle Experience we explore how to integrate The Five Ways of Being in all groups you are part of. We present radically new insights in group dynamics through the direct experience of being together in Heart CIrcle.
We welcome you into this experience as a pioneer of social change !
The left-right brain concept as a practical metaphor for individual and social transformation
Making specific group agreements that bring in The Five Ways of Being
How to bring the 5 Ways of Being in all groups: partnerships, families, schools, businesses, communities, ...
Understanding the relationship between The Five Ways of Being and the Heart Circle Format
How to create your own Heart Circle to practice and integrate the Five Ways of Being in daily life
How to allow for but not get trapped in ‘emotional processing’
Exploring the pitfalls that weaken any social group
How to go from ‘Me’ to ‘We-powered’ and use the potential of the resonant group field for the good of all
The 8-Week WE-powered Heart Circle Experience is facilitated by Tej Steiner and Greet Heylen, and co-facilitated by other WE-powered staff members.
The Experience consists of eight weekly live Zoom-sessions. The first session will be for 2h, the 7 subsequent sessions will be 1,5h.
Each weekly session includes small, intimate, facilitated break-out groups that enable you to practice what you are learning during these sessions with others.
All sessions are recorded in case you miss a session or want to review a past session. You have access to our Learning Platform where you can find all course material, recordings of the sessions and the chat group.
You have the opportunity to participate each week with one or two other course members in an additional 30-60 minute online practice circle.
There is a balanced mix of experiential and theoretical learning. Each session is designed to move at a pace that’s comfortable and enjoyable for everyone in the course. Input, questions and feedback are welcome at any time.